Presently, blackgram is with success cultivated within the districts of Batticaloa, Killinochchi,Anuradhapura,Vavuniya,Mulathiv,
Puttlam,Polonnaruwa,Kurunegala, and Jaffna. concerning eightieth of blackgram crop cultivated throughout maha season as rainfed uplands crop and rest is fully grown in yala in paddy fields with extra water supply. Cultivated extent and product of blackgram vary from year to year with a decreasing trend (Table 01). Consequently, the assembly isn't spare for the demand. The general yield an blackgram has been stagnating around 0.7-0.8 t/ha over the years, and it's so much behind the analysis yield, that is concerning 1.5-2.0 t/ha. till early nineties massive quantities of blackgram were exported to varied countries and no importation were on record. although, recent figures illustrates that the massive quantities of blackgram ar foreign annually .
Year | Extent (ha.) | Production (mt.) | Imports (mt.) |
1997 | 8782 | 6844 | 1659 |
1998 | 10171 | 8049 | 677 |
1999 | 8658 | 6730 | 5640 |
2000 | 6703 | 5420 | 7331 |
2001 | 6361 | 5125 | 7890 |
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